Right after Wicket 1.5.0 was released – we get the first maintenance release of the Wicket 1.5.x series. This release brings over 40 bug fixes and 15 improvements.
Subversion tag
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Update your maven dependency to:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId> <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId> <version>1.5.1</version> </dependency>
Release Notes – Wicket – Version 1.5.1
- [WICKET-3934] – Provide AttributeModifier#remove(String)
- [WICKET-4029] – Improve RequestLogger to not do anything after IPageManager#commitRequest()
- [WICKET-3773] – Onclick Script displayed as Link Text
- [WICKET-3977] – Calling FormTester.select for DropDownChoice invokes onSelectionChanged with null argument
- [WICKET-3991] – SignInPanel prevents the page being Stateless when signing in with the “rember me” facility.
- [WICKET-3993] – Wrong ASCII Key Code for END Key. AutoComplete not working properly
- [WICKET-3998] – CreditCardValidator returns incorrect cardId for VISA
- [WICKET-4004] – PageExpiredException still thrown after handled by IRequestCycleListener
- [WICKET-4005] – AutoHide of DatePicker breaks showOnFieldClick
- [WICKET-4009] – Page Lock on Browser Back Button after Page Expiry
- [WICKET-4010] – SignInPanel may lead to infinite redirects if there is rememberMe cookie with outdated data
- [WICKET-4012] – Component’s onAfterRender() is called so many times as it is depth in the component tree + 1
- [WICKET-4014] – Wicket 1.5 Form Post Action and Link Get discard Page Class Information
- [WICKET-4016] – MarkupContainer.toString(true) fails with MarkupNotFoundException if the call is made in the component constructor
- [WICKET-4020] – ResourceMapper throws IllegalStateException when attempting to map a request to a URL ending in a empty segment (directory)
- [WICKET-4021] – PageProvider can instantiate pages even if isNewPageInstance returns false
- [WICKET-4022] – Hidden auto generated field in Form has invalid value for autocomplete
- [WICKET-4025] – AbstractLink does not detach body model
- [WICKET-4030] – HeaderResponse.renderCSSReference does not render context path relative url, but wicket filter url-pattern relative url
- [WICKET-4031] – TextRequestHandler doesn’t set Content-Length header
- [WICKET-4032] – ComponentStringResourceLoader must not include the index of repeater items in resource lookup but still resolve properties to them
- [WICKET-4038] – MountedMapper.mapHandler ruins Links inside mounted pages appending parameters wicket-ajax and wicket-ajax-baseurl
- [WICKET-4047] – WebClientInfo causes NullPointerException when the request header “User-Agent” is null.
- [WICKET-4048] – label’s wicket:for does not work completely for Radios
- [WICKET-4051] – max-age header is set in milliseconds rather than seconds
- [WICKET-4053] – AbstractTree#updateTree(AjaxRequestTarget target) is invoked even when request is non-ajax
- [WICKET-4054] – Memory leakage in browser with AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior
- [WICKET-4055] – LocaleFirstMapper does not strip Locale from url in getCompatibilityScore()
- [WICKET-4058] – RadioGroup WicktTester with a AjaxSubmitLink fails
- [WICKET-4059] – CheckBoxMultipleChoice does not respect isEnabled
- [WICKET-4061] – Invalid listener url generated for nested components that have an id which starts with a dash
- [WICKET-4063] – Theading issue in AsynchronousDataStore causes OutOfMemory exception
- [WICKET-4066] – RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException.InterceptData is never cleared
- [WICKET-4070] – Errors reported from Form#onValidateModelObjects() are ignored
- [WICKET-4072] – Form Input example fails when changing the language
- [WICKET-4073] – Wicket quickstart advertise HTTPS but it doesn’t work when started with jetty:run
- [WICKET-4075] – Extended browser info gathering is broken
- [WICKET-4080] – domready events not always fired in IE
- [WICKET-4081] – WebRequest.getIfModifiedSinceHeader does not handle IllegalArgumentException
- [WICKET-4082] – org.apache.wicket.request.Url#toAbsoluteString
- [WICKET-4083] – WebResponse#enableCaching does not take care of a possible “Pragma: no-cache” header
- [WICKET-2790] – Submitting a form with Ajax in WicketTester does not check if form is multiPart
- [WICKET-2930] – Method isSelected in Select should be public
- [WICKET-3938] – Impossible to remove particular key-value from PageParameters
- [WICKET-4006] – Add a check preventing trying to add the current component as a child to itself
- [WICKET-4023] – Please Allow AjaxLink to use getChannelName
- [WICKET-4024] – Provide a Convenience API for usage of Ajax Channels
- [WICKET-4028] – Improve PageInstanceMapper#getCompatibilityScore() to return higher value if the request starts with ‘wicket/page’
- [WICKET-4037] – Archetype quickstart references release candidate
- [WICKET-4042] – Typo in FormTester fail message
- [WICKET-4044] – Change the style of “WICKET AJAX DEBUG” link when some error gets logged
- [WICKET-4046] – Touch pages only when they are returned from the data stores
- [WICKET-4049] – Enable SSL for quickstart to make debugging SSL errors easier
- [WICKET-4052] – Add org.apache.wicket.request.Response.write(byte[], int, int) to make it easier to write buffered data to the web response
- [WICKET-4067] – Register devutils only if IDebugSettings#isDevelopmentUtilitiesEnabled() is true
- [WICKET-4068] – Assume that form.onsubmit() without explicit return value means that submit should proceed
- [WICKET-4079] – Provide new HybridPageParametersEncoder class for backwards compatibility with pre 1.5.x Hybrid URL encoding
New Feature
- [WICKET-4015] – Implement a listener which can be used to measure the render time of a component
- [WICKET-4069] – Wickettester: submit select via AJAX